If you’re a consistent weightlifter, you may have experienced hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are bloated veins in the rectum and anus that can cause discomfort, pain, and bleeding. While weightlifting doesn’t cause hemorrhoids, it can increase your risk of developing them.
When you lift weights, you increase intra-abdominal pressure, which can strain your rectal veins. This internal pressure can cause the veins to bulge and inflame, leading to hemorrhoids.
Additionally, weightlifters often strain during heavy lifts, exacerbating the problem. Fortunately, there are preventative steps available for you.
What Are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are bloated veins in the rectum and anus. They can be either internal or external and capable of causing discomfort, pain, and bleeding. They are a common condition that affects many people, especially those who are overweight, pregnant, or have a family history of the condition.
The Symptoms
If you have hemorrhoids, you may experience symptoms such as itching, pain, and bleeding during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids can originate from various activities, including straining during bowel movements, sitting in same positions for long periods of time, and chronic constipation.
The Types
Several types of hemorrhoids exist, including first-degree, second-degree, third-degree, and fourth-degree. First-degree hemorrhoids are the mildest form and may not cause any symptoms. Second-degree hemorrhoids may cause bleeding during bowel movements. Third-degree hemorrhoids may require manual reduction, and fourth-degree hemorrhoids are prolapsed and cannot be reduced.
Causes of Hemorrhoids
There are several possible causes of hemorrhoids, which are listed below:
Lack of Physical Activity
When you do not move enough, your blood circulation can slow down, and this can cause the veins in your anus to become swollen and painful. To prevent this, exercise regularly by doing activities such as walking, jogging, or cycling.
Straining During Bowel Movements
Straining during bowel movements can also cause hemorrhoids. This happens when you push too hard to pass stool, and the pressure can cause the veins in your anus to bulge and become inflamed.
Make sure to, as always, drink enough water and eat a healthy diet that includes fiber-rich foods. You can also opt to try using a stool softener to make bowel movements easier.
Can Weightlifting Cause Hemorrhoids?
The possibility does exist, especially if you lift weights with terrible posture and techniques. Here’s a further elaboration:
Pressure on the Rectum and Anus
When you lift weights, you pressure your rectum and anus. This pressure can cause hemorrhoids to form. Hemorrhoids are inflamed vessels in the rectum or anus that can be painful and uncomfortable. The pressure from weightlifting can cause these veins to become swollen and inflamed.
Increased Intra-Abdominal Pressure
Weightlifting can also increase intra-abdominal pressure. This pressure can cause blood to pool in the veins in your rectum and anus, leading to hemorrhoids. When you lift weights, you hold your breath, which increases the pressure in your abdomen. This pressure can cause the veins in your rectum and anus to become swollen and inflamed.
Dehydration and Constipation
Dehydration and constipation can also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. When dehydrated, your stools can become stiff and difficult to pass.

This can cause straining during bowel movements, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Weightlifters often become dehydrated during their workouts, which can increase their risk of developing hemorrhoids.
Preventing Hemorrhoids While Weightlifting
It’s always better to be safe than sorry. The same goes for hemorrhoids. Here’s how you can prevent one from occurring.
Stay Hydrated and Eat a High-Fiber Diet
To prevent hemorrhoids while weightlifting, staying hydrated and maintaining a high-fiber diet is vital. Drinking plenty of water and eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help soften stool and reduce the risk of constipation, which can lead to hemorrhoids.
Use Proper Lifting Technique
Using proper lifting techniques is also crucial in preventing hemorrhoids. Make sure to engage your core muscles and avoid straining or holding your breath during lifts. Gradually increase your weight, and do not push yourself too hard too quickly.
Avoid Holding Your Breath During Lifts
Holding your breath during lifts can increase the pressure in your abdominal area, which can strain the veins in your rectum and lead to hemorrhoids. Instead, breathe in deeply before lifting and exhale as you lift. This can help reduce the pressure in your abdominal area and lower the risk of hemorrhoids.
When to See a Doctor
If you experience any hemorrhoid symptoms, seeking medical attention is vital. Here we provide the signs that tell you should see a doctor:
- If you notice bleeding during bowel movements or see blood in your stool, it could be a sign of hemorrhoids or another condition.
- If you experience pain or discomfort during bowel movements, it could be a sign of hemorrhoids or other issues such as anal fissures or abscesses.
- A lump or swelling around your anus could be a sign of an external hemorrhoid or a prolapsed internal hemorrhoid.
Remember that these symptoms could also be a sign of other conditions, so it is best to consult a healthcare professional to get a positive result.
If you really do have hemorrhoids and are experiencing severe pain, bleeding, or other symptoms that are not improving with self-care measures, you should also seek medical attention. Your doctor may recommend additional treatments or procedures to help manage your symptoms and prevent complications.
While weightlifting may not directly cause hemorrhoids, it can certainly exacerbate existing conditions. If you are prone to hemorrhoids, it is beneficial to take precautions such as using proper form, avoiding straining, and incorporating exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
Pushing yourself too hard can potentially worsen hemorrhoids. If you experience symptoms such as bleeding or discomfort, seeking medical attention and not ignoring the issue is essential.
Overall, weightlifting can be a beneficial form of exercise when done correctly and with proper precautions. By caring for yourself, you naturally reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids or worsening existing conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can weightlifting cause hemorrhoids?
Yes, weightlifting can cause hemorrhoids. When you lift weights, you increase the pressure in your abdomen, which can cause the veins in your rectum to swell and become inflamed. This can lead to hemorrhoids.
What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?
The symptoms of hemorrhoids include itching, pain, and bleeding during bowel movements. You may also notice a lump or swelling around your anus. Visit a doctor if there are any symptoms.
Can I still weightlift if I have hemorrhoids?
If you have hemorrhoids, you can still weightlift, but you should be careful not to aggravate your symptoms. You may need to modify your workouts to avoid exercises that put too much pressure on your rectum.